Online Tarot Reader - Psychic Consultation

If you only have a few questions and no longer wish to have a general Tarot reading, you can try a quick Tarot reading where you can have three of your questions answered. If you're interested, click the button below.


A Glimpse of My Journey as a Psychic

fortune teller, manghuhula, tarot reader, psyhic
Fortune Teller / Manghuhula
My journey as a psychic started when I was seven years old. We were traveling from Bicol to Manila via zigzag road (Bitukang Manok) when I suddenly told my mother that the bus we were riding on would crash into a truck and it did happen. The bus almost fell off a cliff but fortunately, no one was injured during that accident.

The next incident happened a few years after, when my sister and I were traveling from Baclaran to Cavite. When we were about to ride a jeepney, I suddenly had a vision. In it, I saw myself sitting beside the driver with blood oozing from my right temple. I didn't listen to my intuition and still took the seat beside the driver. I asked my sister to sit at the back with other passengers. When we were near to our destination, the jeepney suddenly hit an electric pole because the driver was avoiding crashing into a bus that was overtaking us. Because of the impact, my head hit the windshield. When we got home, I told myself not to ignore my intuition again.

Since then, I started to see visions of what would happen in the future. I saw my father’s and relatives’ deaths before they actually happened. I even saw mine and that was the most terrifying experience for me until I realized that instead of worrying about it, I should learn how to use this gift for my own growth, my family’s well-being and to guide other people to make my life worth living.

Having this gift is one of the blessings of my life. It gives me the ability to see with an open mind and heart, to understand myself and others more. I had been through a lot of emotional trauma in the past and it was through this ability and my relationship with God that I was able to heal and move on. There are many reasons why I am eager to use my ability for the good of others, and a day is not enough to put all of them here.


How to book an online tarot reading:

1. Please request a schedule by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

2. When you receive a slot, you should pay the requested amount to reserve it. If I don't receive a response from you within 24 hours, your slot will be given to others.

3. When the payment has been settled, email me the photo or screenshot of the proof of payment together with your full name, date of birth, recent picture and 10 questions.

4. I will email the result of the reading on the given date including the free Reiki healing. The well being of my clients is very important for me so also expect to receive a copy of my tried and tested spiritual healing program which will help you achieve your full potential.


If you don't receive your slot within 2-3 days, it may be because Tata Adlaw is very busy with work and school. If this is the case, you may want to book an online Tarot reading with Rohan, who offers the same price and quality. Just fill out this form:

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