Effective Love Spells (Gayuma Rituals) that Work

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Effective Love Spells (Gayuma Rituals) that Work

Since 2009, I have helped many people rebuild families broken by infidelity, give stalled relationships a chance to continue, find an ideal partner, and recover from the heartaches they have experienced. In addition to the rituals, I also provided them with guidance on how to improve themselves to avoid the mistakes that caused their love problems.

Be cautious with free love spells on YouTube—they might summon negative spirits that could make your situation worse. If you're planning to perform a love spell, ensure you have proper protection, as this isn't included in the free rituals available online. When I conduct a ritual for you, you'll be safeguarded because I provide protection for my clients.

Don’t be misled by spell casters who promise instant results. Love spells require a proper process, and the situation must be carefully assessed before proceeding. I always start with a free Tarot card reading to determine if a love spell is the right course of action.

Also, be wary of buying love potions that haven’t been thoroughly evaluated. Many people have come to me seeking to undo rituals and potions they purchased online.


If your intentions are pure, fill out the form below to find out if your request can still be fulfilled through a love spell. Make sure to use an active email address and enter it in the correct format. After filling out the form, please check your email within a minute. If you don’t see a reply in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder. Please fill out the form carefully.


I need the materials that will be used in the ritual, so you need to pay first before it begins. I charge ₱2,000 for a love ritual, and you won’t have to pay anything else beyond that. Once your wish is fulfilled, it’s up to you if you want to give a tip. This also includes the guidance I provide to keep you calm while we wait for the results. This way, we can be sure that you won't do anything that could interfere with my spiritual workings. I also won’t require you to perform the ritual yourself, unlike other spell casters—who charge you but still expect you to do the ritual. You’ll only need to pay once I have accepted your request and you’re ready to proceed. I first need to conduct an online Tarot reading session to see if a love spell is really the solution to your problem or if you need to move on.

It depends on the situation.

If you separated less than a month ago, you may see results within two weeks to a month. If not, it may take three months or longer.

If the ritual is to make someone fall in love with you, you may notice effects within two weeks if you’re close to each other and they aren’t in love with someone else.

However, I’ve handled cases where it took up to a year to take effect because they approached me when it was almost too late.

Be wary of love spell casters who claim they can make a ritual work within a day or a week because that’s not realistic. The situation needs to be fully understood first, and it must go through "divination" before a timeframe can be given.

Any ritual, including love spells, is just an opener of paths, so don’t rely entirely on it. If someone tells you their spell's effect is permanent, be skeptical because it means they don’t know what they’re doing. That’s why I also guide my clients so they know how to avoid creating problems that could damage their relationship after their wish is granted. I’m not like others who disappear after being paid.

If the ritual shows that the love is truly gone or that it’s impossible for them to love you, and you still force the ritual, it will definitely have a negative impact. That’s why it’s very important for me to conduct a Tarot card reading first to ensure that the ritual won’t have any negative effects on me, them, or the person you’re having it done for. That’s why it’s not advisable to pay for love potions and rituals online that don’t go through this process first.

I have many clients living and working in distant places like the USA, Canada, and Australia who were satisfied with the effects of the rituals they requested from me. Magic isn’t limited by physical distance. As long as I have the correct name and birthdate of the client and the person for whom the love spell is intended, I can make the ritual work.

If the intention is bad, for example, if the love spell was done just to play with someone’s emotions, it will lose its effect the moment they cross the sea. This is because negative energy can never cross saltwater. And once the ritual loses its effect, expect that there will be negative consequences for both the person who had the ritual done and the one who performed it. That’s why it’s important for me to conduct a Tarot reading first to ensure that the intentions of those I will be helping spiritually are pure.

They might discover it, especially if they consult a skilled healer, if they only loved you because you used a love spell on them—known as FABRICATED LOVE. That’s why it’s important for me to first find out through a Tarot card reading if there is a spiritual connection between the client and the target. As long as that spiritual connection, also known as the "red cord," exists between the client and the target, no spiritual healer will be able to detect it because it’s not a threat to the safety of the person seeking healing.

We might encounter problems, especially if the process they follow contradicts what I’m going to do. For example, their method might be 'necromancy' or the act of calling on the dead to perform their rituals. In such cases, the free will of the person being worked on is lost because they’re being manipulated by spirits fed to do the work. If you request a ritual from me, the first person you sought help from will get an idea because of the healing effects of the ritual I use, so they will counter it. I don’t resort to manipulative magic like that because its effects are unstable and have bad side effects. My goal is to remove the energy blocking the target from being open to connecting with the client—for example, if there’s anger in the target’s heart due to past mistakes made by the client. This way, I can re-establish the emotional connection that will pave the way for their reconciliation. If the intention is to make someone fall in love, I will first remove the energy that’s blocking them from being in a relationship with you. For example, they might be shy or hesitant, or you might have a karmic blockage that originated from a past life—maybe you were lovers who became bitter enemies.

I prefer to communicate with clients through email because it’s easier to refer back to past conversations. For example, if you’ve already had a ritual done by me before and you want a new one, I can easily see it so that I can first remove the effect of the previous ritual, especially if they’re both related to love spells. It’s possible that the spiritual connection I established between you and your ex hasn’t been severed yet, which could interfere with the new love spell. So if you’ve had any rituals done before, let me know so I can nullify them first.

If you’re ready, just fill out the form on this page so I can first assess whether to proceed with a love spell or a detachment ritual for your quick recovery. But before you do that, please read the other answers to common questions. I’ll also direct you here if you have a question that has already been answered here.

If it’s another love ritual but with a different target, no, because it will have negative repercussions. This also means you shouldn’t entertain anyone else while you have a love spell being done by me. But if it’s for protection or success, just reply to the email thread we’ve started.

If my cards confirm this, I will nullify the manipulative love spell and bring them back to you. I will also include an energy shielding ritual so that you are protected in case the person who performed the love spell tries to get back at you.

To help you gain clarity and make better decisions, I’ve written articles about love spells based on my over ten years of study and experience in the field of love spellcasting.

Is Gayuma Real?
Many of us still believe in love spells. Discover the history and research about gayuma that dates back to our ancestors.
Different Types of Love Spells
Love spells using names, photos, clothes, saliva, or perfume—these are just some of the types of gayuma. Before trying them, make sure you know what to do!
Negative Effects of Gayuma
Is having good intentions enough to avoid negative effects? NO. You still need a psychic reading to be sure.
Signs of a Love Spell
Love spells aren’t inherently bad, but they can cause harm if misused.

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