Review: We reconciled and got back together.

The love ritual (gayuma) yielded results in just one day because it started immediately after their breakup. And the high level of trust the client placed in me expedited the manifestation of the ritual.

English Translation:

October 6, 2002: We broke up because of my faults and lack of personal growth. We had several arguments due to my inability to understand him, including his studies. He made sacrifices for our relationship that went unnoticed by me. Despite my efforts to change, we fought again, and he brought up my past mistakes, leading to our separation. I pleaded for one last chance to fix things, but he abruptly left. I desperately want him to return and give me another chance. I believe I can make things right and I'm eager to do so. I don't want to lose the person who played a significant role in my recovery. This is my final opportunity to transform and save our relationship. I long for his love, acceptance, and a stronger bond between us. Moving on is challenging as I suffer from sleep disturbances and nightmares. I yearn for reconciliation and that's why I'm seeking your assistance.

October 20, 2002: Something wonderful happened. The day I emailed you, that same night, he messaged me. He asked how I was and we talked about our situation. We're okay now, sir. We reconciled and got back together. He gave me a chance. Thank you so much for your help, and I'm aware that I shouldn't solely depend on it. It's like a road opener for me, giving me a new chance in life. Thank you so much.

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