Virgo December 2023 Horoscope - Monthly Predictions

Virgo December 2023 Horoscope, Virgo Monthly Predictions

It's time for a work-life balance tune-up Virgo! You've been hustling on overdrive the past few months. December delivers a welcome chance to restore equilibrium.

Early in the month, power down devices and say no to extra projects. Give your mind and body the rest they crave. Spend time in nature, get massages, catch up on sleep.

Particularly if you have Virgo in the 10th House, you should take a closer look at your daily habits and routines.

What's working, what's not? Tweak your schedule to make more room for healthy meals, exercise and recharging activities. Set boundaries around work and email too. You've got this!

After the Winter Solstice, reflect on 2023. Make a list of your proudest accomplishments and moments of personal growth.

Then set some intentions for 2024. What do you want more or less of next year? Transform those intentions into S.M.A.R.T goals.

Overall Virgo, embrace December as a month for resting, reflecting and planning. You'll end the year feeling balanced, centered and excited about what's ahead. I'm wishing you a healthy, happy holiday season!

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