Review: He has become sweet and caring once again.

It's been a month since the completion of the love ritual (gayuma), and my client has already noticed positive changes. She also said that the program I gave her greatly helped in improving her mental health.

English Translation:

August 2, 2022: In early July, we broke up following a small argument. Prior to this, we cooled off last November due to issues on my side that upset both of us, influenced by my family's comments. We continued to communicate, improving our relationship significantly. By June, my parents accepted our relationship, which I hoped to officially rekindle. However, after four years together, he suddenly pulled away, citing personal issues along with our relationship troubles and a need for solitude. Despite this, I'm assured of his love through his words and our ongoing communication. I understand his need for support and constantly reassure him of my presence. I'm hopeful for our reunion as our bond is deep-rooted, and even his family desires our reconciliation. My family is no longer antagonistic, and I'm striving for both of us, not wanting him to abandon the idea of family because of past discouragements. Regardless of the outcome, I want him to find happiness and cope with his current struggles.

September 29, 2022: Since your ritual ended, many things have changed. He has been inviting me out to eat and to have coffee. He said that during the days we didn't communicate, and as the days passed, he realized that he truly loves me and that his love for me won't fade. He has become sweet and caring once again, and we talk almost every day. Although we are not officially back together yet, I am going to let that decision come from him. I also don't want to question our relationship status. Thank you so much. I assure you that I will keep you updated about the developments. Also, I appreciate the program you provided. It has greatly helped my mental health.

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