Effective Gayuma (Love Spell)

gayuma, lumay
I am Tata Adlaw, a Babaylan who performs love rituals or also known as gayuma since 2009. I have helped many people to bring back their ex-lovers, make a man or woman fall in love with them, stop cheating in a relationship, and tame someone (enemy or boss).

READ: How Do Love Spells (Gayuma) Work?

If you are here to request a gayuma or lumay, remember that I also refuse to help someone if their motives are bad, and the cards say that no ritual can fulfill their wish. If your intentions are good, read the answers to the frequently asked questions before filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

If you are ready for a free consultation, fill out the form below. If you don't see my message in your inbox within 5 minutes, just check your spam folder. If you still don't receive a reply, just email me at babaylanadlaw@gmail.com or send an SMS at +63 992 905 8252.


If you can't view the form below, click this link: https://forms.gle/GyKSf2h1mrqQJ1Ce9

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this real or legit?

Those I have helped also trusted me. It is a great help if the person requesting the gayuma trusts the person who will perform it. If you have doubts, I understand that because it is difficult to trust nowadays. To prove that this is real or legit, tap or click the button below to read what my clients' testimonials.


2. Is there a fee for the gayuma?

I will need materials for a one-month ritual to ensure its permanent effect. So if you request for a ritual, you must pay first before it can begin. You will only pay if I accept your request. The total fee is set at 3,000 pesos.

3. When will I see the results?

It depends on the situation.

If you have been separated for less than a month, you will see results within two weeks to a month. Otherwise, it may take three months or more.

If the ritual is to make someone fall in love with you, you will notice the effect in just two weeks if you are close to each other and they haven't fallen for someone else.

However, I have handled cases that took a year before they became effective. These include relationships severely damaged by many problems - affairs, financial problems, and conflicting families. So if you belong to them, make sure you have a lot of patience and, of course, trust in my abilities wholeheartedly.

Beware of practitioners who claim they can make a ritual effective within just a day or a week. This is because they must first fully understand the situation and go through "divination" before giving such a timeframe. So if they give you a timeframe without knowing your situation, be suspicious.

4. Is the effect of gayuma permanent?

I perform a one-month ritual to ensure its permanent effect. However, remember that the duration of the effect still depends on you. For example, if you don't treat the person I brought back or made fall in love with you properly, expect them to leave you eventually. Don't rely solely on the gayuma.

5. Will there be any adverse effects on me and the person the gayuma is performed on?

Each of my clients undergoes consultation to ensure that the ritual will not have any adverse effects on them. And I also reject some cases to avoid performing rituals with negative consequences.

READ: Gayuma: Why Does This Lead to Unfavorable Outcomes?

6. Will it still be effective if I am in a distant place?

I have many clients living and working in faraway places like the United States, Canada, and Australia who are satisfied with the effects of the rituals they request from me.

7. What if the target is far away?

Distance will never be an obstacle. And my rituals don't lose their effectiveness even if they cross the sea.

8. Will you perform the ritual or will I?

I will perform all the rituals. However, I will give you a program to keep yourself positive and calm while I perform the ritual and we wait for the result. It is important that you follow it so that the rituals performed will cling to the target and maintain their effectiveness.

9. How do we communicate?

For a quick response, just email me at babaylanadlaw@gmail.com. Please note that I also take breaks and have other life priorities. Don't worry because you will receive a reply from me within 24 hours.

10. Can I have a reading first?

That's where we should start. I don't just accept clients right away. I need to read your cards first to see if a gayuma or ritual can solve your love problem.

Does Gayuma Really Have Negative Effects?

Are you aware that gayuma inherently has no negative effects? If so, why does it end in unwanted results? Here are some reasons.

1. The ritual was conducted against the will of the target. If this is the case, gayuma will still take effect on him, but it will certainly lead to negative side effects. Moreover, don't expect its effect to be permanent. That is why it is important for me to conduct a Tarot card reading first to discern the true feelings of the target before proceeding with the ritual.

2. You used a gayuma on someone who is already in a relationship. Even if that person has feelings for you, it will still have negative effects because you've wronged an innocent person. So if you tell me that he is not in a relationship yet, but my Tarot cards show otherwise, don't expect me to accept your request.

3. A gayuma can be used to help a person develop affection towards you. And when this happens, the end result is entirely within your control — whether it will lead to a relationship. If my cards are in favor of this, there will be no negative repercussions. However, if you took advantage of the opportunity just to toy with someone's feelings, expect a backlash.

4. You attracted evil spirits while performing the ritual. Remember that there's a proper procedure to follow to avoid this. This is why you should avoid doing free love spells found on the internet. And if you asked someone to do it for you, it would be wise to stop it as soon as you begin noticing harmful effects, such as a series of misfortunes and recurring health issues.

5. Let’s say that he does have feelings for you, no innocent person will be hurt, and my cards are in favor of your request. It must also be understood that there are things you should avoid so as not to interfere with the ritual. For instance, if you become impatient and doubtful, it can weaken and even nullify the ritual's effects. Therefore, it's important to stay positive and calm while waiting for your wish to come true.

What if the person he's with now is the reason for your breakup and he’s under the influence of a gayuma?

If my cards confirm that, you can win him back through a ritual without any negative effects.

Gayuma opened a path for me to heal broken families. It also helped my clients to find their 'soulmate.' Indeed, if used properly, gayuma bestows blessings to people who deserve it.

Love Spell Casting Services:

Bring Back an Ex Lover Spell
Stop Cheating Spell
Rekindle Partner's Love Spell
Attract a Desired Man/Woman Spell
Love Binding Spell (secure a relationship)
Attract a Soulmate Spell

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