Review: My husband has been kind to me lately.

As you can see, the love ritual (gayuma) I conducted for this client started to take effect after 20 days. The ritual wasn't finalized at that time because it took me a month to complete it to ensure the permanence of its effectiveness.

English Translation:

August 4, 2022: My husband left us because he said I cheated on him with my coworker. While he also engaged in an affair early in our marriage, the difference was that I never abandoned him. We've been separated for almost 3 years now. I now feel a strong desire for us to reunite and reestablish our family, especially as our children, all of whom are girls, are maturing. I just want us to start anew, forget all about the past and improve our relationship, not just between us but also with both sides of the family because gossip from relatives also became a factor. I just want to rebuild and make my family happy again, and make our marriage stronger.

August 24, 2022: Lately, my husband has been kind to me. He also gives his time to our children. He stays at his sibling's place but picks us up from my parents' house whenever we need to go somewhere. He takes care of all the kids' school needs. His aunts from the province are looking for me, hoping that I could go back there. My best friend told me that he has improved by about 50%. He's not as aloof anymore in the way he talks to me. There are also times when I open up to him about my career plans, and he listens now unlike before when he would just respond by saying that I should do whatever I want because it's my life.

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