Effective Love Spells Using Name, Saliva, Clothing, and Perfume
Many people are unaware that love spells are not limited to potions added to food or drinks. There are various types of powerful and effective love spells that can help bring back an ex or attract the man or woman you desire. Here are some of the most common types:
Name: This is one of the most popular love spells, where the name of the person you wish to attract or win back is written on a piece of paper and placed under a pillow. However, based on my observations, this method often backfires—the person performing the ritual ends up becoming obsessed with their target instead.
Saliva: An old Filipino tradition involves using saliva mixed into food or drinks to influence or control someone. Others even use bodily fluids like sweat, menstrual blood, or semen. However, this method is highly unsafe as it poses health risks and the potential transmission of diseases.
Clothing, Underwear, and Other Personal Items: Some believe that using personal belongings of the target enhances the effectiveness of a love spell. But what happens if the clothing has already been washed? Unwashed clothing or underwear is considered more effective as it is believed to carry stronger personal energy, making the spell more potent.
Perfume: Many love spell products, often advertised as originating from Siquijor, are available on platforms like Shopee or Lazada. These are mixed with perfume and applied before meeting the desired person. Others use them in business to attract customers. However, with so many online sellers, it’s hard to verify the authenticity of these products.
These are just a few of the many types of love spells available online. While some claim they are effective, others are disappointed by the lack of results.
Are Free Love Spells from YouTube or TikTok, as well as Love Potions and Amulets Sold Online, Safe and Effective?
While some of my clients initially experienced positive effects from DIY love spells, many later reported that the spells lost their potency and even caused adverse effects. Why does this happen?
Free love spells found online are generally unsafe. In my years of performing rituals, I’ve come to understand the importance of following the correct process to avoid unexpected or harmful outcomes. If you want to ensure a positive result, it’s best to have a skilled and experienced spellcaster perform the ritual for you.
Before commissioning a spell, however, the spellcaster should first assess your situation through a psychic reading. This allows them to determine the true feelings of the target, whether they are in a relationship, and any forces that may support or oppose your goal. If a spellcaster accepts your request without conducting this assessment, you should think twice.
It’s also not advisable to purchase love potions or amulets online. A responsible seller would take the time to understand your situation before offering any product, to avoid potential negative effects. Unfortunately, most sellers care only about making a sale, regardless of the consequences for their customers.
Online Consultation Form
Do you want the person you love to feel the same way about you, reconcile with your ex, or rekindle the love in your current relationship? Simply fill out the form below so we can determine if the love spell is the right solution for your situation. The consultation is completely free, and you can rest assured that any information you share with me will remain private and confidential.