Review: I didn't anticipate his return.

The situation with my client seemed utterly hopeless as she was blocked on all communication channels, including social media. Nevertheless, due to her complete trust and cooperation with me, I managed to reconcile her with her ex-boyfriend in just two months. Originally, we anticipated that the love spell (gayuma) would take around 6 months or even longer, considering the slim chances of the man returning to her.

English Translation:

January 25, 2022: I am currently in a long-distance relationship (LDR). On January 4, in the evening, he broke up with me because he was unsure of his own happiness. This situation began during Typhoon Odette when we had no signal, and he realized that he would feel sad without me. It seemed like he didn't want to rely on me for his own happiness. My intention was simply to mend our relationship. Although we have no contact, I still have his number. I made the decision to implement the No Contact Rule to facilitate my own healing. That's why I'm here, to determine if there's any hope left or if it's truly over.

March 8, 2022: Surprisingly, he returned yesterday and expressed that he couldn't bear to be without me. Honestly, I didn't anticipate his return, and I followed the spiritual program you advised me to undertake. I embraced positivity, and out of nowhere, he messaged me on Facebook, despite being blocked and unfriended on all the social apps we used. He took the initiative to find a way. I am sincerely grateful for your guidance. Initially, I was hesitant about having him back, but I recalled your emphasis on pure intentions (rather than seeking revenge). And, of course, I still love him. I genuinely believe that our relationship is now stronger because he has developed faith in God. There is undoubtedly a purpose and plan from the Lord, as I have also experienced personal growth and now understand his desires. Thank you so much! May God bless you! Wishing you continued success!


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