Testimonial of Tina from USA

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Testimonial of Tina from USA

I'll be coming to Philippines this Xmas to visit my family. Please be advised that I would like to personally see you, and do more readings. I am hoping you can do a cleansing for me. I've been doing well lately. My therepist and psychiatrist are helping me medically, but you helped me become more  positive and guide my spirit to become better. I can't wait for more work from you.

I'll be coming to Philippines this Xmas to visit my family. Please be advised that I would like to personally see you, and do more readings. I am hoping you can do a cleansing for me. I've been doing well lately. My therepist and psychiatrist are helping me medically, but you helped me become more positive and guide my spirit to become better. I can't wait for more work from you.

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