Obstacle Buster: The Most Effective Ritual for Good Fortune in Business, Wealth, and Career

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Obstacle Buster: The Most Effective Ritual for Good Fortune in Business, Wealth, and Career

I'm Tata Adalaw, and with the guidance of the Creator and my trusted spiritual guides, I will help make your journey toward achieving your goals as smooth as possible.

Examples of How This Ritual Has Helped:

1. Secured a high-paying job abroad.

2. Passed exams and improved academic performance.

3. Enhanced cash flow in a business.

4. Attracted more clients.

5. Won a legal case.

To begin the ritual, a one-time payment of ₱1,000.00 is required for the materials, such as candles, incense, and food offerings. As a Babaylan (shaman) who worships only the Creator, whom I call Bathala, rest assured that this ritual will not conflict with your religion or beliefs and will not cause any harm. The ritual lasts for two weeks to ensure its long-lasting effects. As a bonus, you will receive a free psychic reading to help you maintain a steady flow of blessings and positive energy in your life.



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