Scorpio December 2023 Horoscope - Monthly Predictions

Scorpio December 2023 Horoscope, Scorpio Monthly Predictions

Take a deep breath, Scorpio. December can deliver a welcome chance to decompress from recent drama and intensity.

Make self-care and solitude priorities early in the month. Say no to holiday obligations that exhaust you. Spend time journaling, meditating and processing recent feelings. Honor what your soul truly needs right now.

Mid-month, your energy levels likely rise. You'll likely crave more connection with those you trust most.

Share your inner world over intimate dinners and heart-to-heart talks. Support your loved ones by listening without judgment. Laughing and reminiscing heals.

After the Winter Solstice, reflect on 2023's toughest lessons. How have you grown? What are you now ready to leave behind? Release negativity to make space for more light.

Overall Scorpio, embrace December as a month for self-renewal. Retreat, reflect and recharge. You'll gain clarity about what you need in 2024.

Perhaps your financial matters also improve after the 12th. Tie up loose ends and get your budget in order before the New Year. Things are looking up!

I wish you a gentle holiday season filled with warmth, comfort and peace. You've endured so much this past year. Now it's time to nurture yourself as you prepare for an amazing 2023.

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