"Thank you for the healing program you emailed me. At the bottom of your attachment it said that you'd like some update in 3 month's time so here it is. First of all, I would like to thank you for your help. Talking to you and hearing your opinion and advices give me peace of mind which I truly appreciate. So far, things have been going well for me and I’m very thankful for it. I don't know if you remember my guy friend who came with me for a reading? At that time, I asked you if I would be happy with him I give him a chance. You said yes so I decided to give my heart to him. He has his shortcomings but he is what I need in my life and I feel complete with him. Unfortunately, the last guy who severely broke my heart still haunts my mind. Not as often as before we had a meeting, but honestly the memory of him is hard to let go. I am still optimistic though in forgetting about my past hurt for a happier future with my boyfriend.
I hope to meet with you again someday and have another reading. Again, thank you for your help!"